May turning into June means many things, one of which is graduation. Whether the graduate in your life is graduating from high school and will be off in the fall to start college somwhere far away from home, or graduating from college and about to embark on "real life," no doubt he or she will setting up a "first kitchen."
Heidi Swanson received a letter from a reader of her food blog, 101 Cookbooks, that asked her how to set up a first kitchen, and rather than answering it herself, Heidi opened it up to her other readers. Some of the commenters pointed to other resources, like Mark Bittman's recent NY Times article about a No-frills Kitchen, and a Consumerist post about outfitting a kitchen with a budget. Most of the 150+ commenters have good tips, ranging from a basic pot and pan, cook's knife, and even what types of spices to have in the pantry.
If you're putting together a graduation gift, kitchen stuff might be great idea.
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Labels: kitchen appliance, kitchen knife set
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